Showing posts with label php. Show all posts
Showing posts with label php. Show all posts

Friday, February 4, 2011

Yii web service and php soap client

A web service is a method of communication between two machines. The web methods are exposed for world wide access. Yii has support for implementing web services. It uses SOAP as its foundation layer.

To create a web service-

1. Create a web app using Yii console application.
2. Inside the controllers folder, create a file lets say 'ServiceController.php'.
3. Add the following code, which implements two functions. One adds a session variable and the other returns it back.
class ServiceController extends CController
   public function actions()
       return array(
        'wreader' => array(
          'class' => 'CWebServiceAction',

     * @param string username
     * @return float
     * @soap
     public function getauth($uname)
            $session = Yii::app()->session;
            $session['u_id'] = 1111;
            return 1;

     * @param string username
     * @return float
     * @soap
     public function getemp($uname)
        $session = Yii::app()->session;
        return isset($session['u_id'])?$session['u_id']:999;

* Remember to mark the web methods with the tag @soap in its doc comment. Yii relies on doc comment to specify the data type of the web method's input parameters and return value.

Create a php file and enter the following code which consumes the web service.
$client=new SoapClient('');
echo "\n".$client->getauth('harpreet');
echo "\n".$client->getemp('harpreet');


Execute the php script in a terminal to check out your web service.

Open to suggests/improvements.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Setup and debug an Yii app in Netbeans IDE

After using Eclipse for a while I switched to Netbeans IDE for Yii development. It seems faster and easier to setup. Following is my experience of setting up the development environment.

Create a project stub using the following command -
>> yii-1.1.3.r2247\framework\yiic webapp mytestapp

Open Netbeans IDE and proceed with the following steps -
1. Click on File-> New Project
    This will open up a dialog box. Select "PHP" under "Categories" and under "Projects" select "PHP Applications with Existing Sources".

    Click Next.
2. In the "Sources Folder", input the path of "mytestapp" folder on your machine.
    Assign a project name. "mytestapp" for my case.
    Select a PHP version.
    Click Next
3. The options in this form should be set up automatically like below.

    Click Finish
    This should set up your Yii project in Netbeans IDE.
4. Go to "Debug" menu on the top bar on Netbeans IDE. Select "Debug Project(mytestapp)" and you should be able to debug your project.

5. "Continue(F5)" option in Debug can be used to resume a stopped debug session.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Extjs + PHP - How to embed Treepanel, Gridpanel and Formpanel in a page?

Here is a step by step procedure to get started with a basic extjs application. It covers handling data rendering in gridpanel as well.

1. Download ExtJS and unzip it to your web path.

2. Create an html file (say test_page.html) with these contents. This will be used to render the page.

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<title> Main Page </title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ext/resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="ext/adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="ext/ext-all.js"> </script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="javascripts/test_ext_widget.js"> </script>
<div id="header">

3. Create php file (extjs.php) with the following contents. This file return a JSON object which will be rendered by extjs.

$start = @$_REQUEST["start"];
$limit = @$_REQUEST["limit"];

$start = $start ? $start : 0;
$limit = $limit ? $limit : 5;

$data = array(
array("first"=>'Jack', "last"=>'Shephard',"bpay"=>7.75,"cpay"=>8.75,"email"=>'',"uid"=>'jackx', "hiredate"=>'8/1 12:00am'),
array("first"=>'James', "last"=>'Ford',"bpay"=>7.75,"cpay"=>8.75, "email"=>'',"uid"=>'jamesx', "hiredate"=>'9/1 12:00am'),
array("first"=>'Kate',"last"=>'Austen', "bpay"=>7.75,"cpay"=>8.75, "email"=>'',"uid"=>'katex', "hiredate"=>'10/1 12:00am'),
array("first"=>'Juliet',"last"=>'Burke',"bpay"=>7.75,"cpay"=>8.75, "email"=>'',"uid"=>'julietx', "hiredate"=>'9/1 10:00am'),
array("first"=>'Sayid',"last"=>'Jarrah',"bpay"=>7.75,"cpay"=>8.75, "email"=>'',"uid"=>'sayidx', "hiredate"=>'9/1 11:00am'),

$a = array();
for($i = $start; $i < 5; $i++) {
$a[] = $data[$i];
$o = array(

echo json_encode($o);

4. Finally a js file (say test_ext_widget.js) which will contain the javascript to render the page. This would render a page with three panel objects (gridpanel, formpanel, treepanel).


Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL = 'ext/resources/images/default/s.gif';

var item_list = [ {xtype : 'textfield', fieldLabel : 'First name'},
{xtype : 'textfield', fieldLabel : 'Last name'},
{xtype : 'textfield', fieldLabel : 'Email'},
{xtype : 'textfield', fieldLabel : 'Student ID'},
{xtype : 'textfield', fieldLabel : 'Current Pay'},
{xtype : 'textfield', fieldLabel : 'Base Pay'},
{xtype : 'datefield', fieldLabel : 'Hire Date'}

var final_cbox = new Ext.form.Checkbox( {
name : 'final_question',
id : 'final_question',
inputValue : 1,
fieldLabel : 'Suspended',
checked : true


var btns = [];
btns.push( {text : 'Save', scope : this});
btns.push( {text : 'Cancel', scope : this});

// now the actual form
var uForm = new Ext.form.FormPanel( {
id:'u_form', region:'center', bodyStyle:'padding:30px', items:item_list, buttons:btns});

var window1 = new Ext.Window( {
id : 'user_edit_win',
title : 'Edit',
width : 900,
height : 650,
minWidth : 500,
minHeight : 600,
layout : 'border',
plain : true,
modal : true,
bodyStyle : 'padding:55px;',
items : [ uForm ]
// Custom grid pre-configured class
app_harpreet.Grid = Ext.extend(Ext.grid.GridPanel, {
//double click on user row opens a pop up window which can be used for updating record
_user_row_click : function() {;},

initComponent : function() {
var config = {
store : new {
id : 'members',
totalProperty : 'totalCount',
root : 'rows',
url : 'extjs.php',
fields : [ {name : 'first'},
{name : 'last'},
{name : 'email'},
{name : 'uid'},
{name : 'cpay', type : 'float'},
{name : 'bpay', type : 'float'},
{name : 'hiredate', type : 'date', dateFormat : 'n/j h:ia'}
listeners : {
rowdblclick : this._user_row_click,
scope : this
columns : [ {
id : 'uid',
header : "UID",
width : 40,
sortable : true,
dataIndex : 'uid'
id : 'first',
header : "First",
width : 40,
sortable : true,
dataIndex : 'first'
id : 'last',
header : "Last",
width : 40,
sortable : true,
dataIndex : 'last'
}, {
id : 'base',
header : "Base Pay",
width : 40,
sortable : true,
renderer: Ext.util.Format.usMoney,
dataIndex : 'bpay'
}, {
id : 'pay',
header : "Current Pay",
width : 40,
sortable : true,
renderer: Ext.util.Format.usMoney,
dataIndex : 'cpay'
id : 'email',
header : "Email",
width : 40,
sortable : true,
dataIndex : 'email'
}, {
header : "Hire Date",
width : 20,
sortable : true,
renderer : Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer('m/d/Y'),
dataIndex : 'hiredate'
id : 'suspend',
header : "Suspend Until",
width : 40,
sortable : true,
dataIndex : 'suspend'
viewConfig : {forceFit : true}

// apply config
Ext.apply(this, Ext.apply(this.initialConfig, config));

this.bbar = new Ext.PagingToolbar( {
store :,
displayInfo : true,
pageSize : 10,
items : [ { xtype : 'textfield' } ]

// call parent
app_harpreet.Grid.superclass.initComponent.apply(this, arguments);

onRender : function() {
// call parent
app_harpreet.Grid.superclass.onRender.apply(this, arguments);
// load the store {params : {start : 0,limit : 10}});

Ext.reg('membergrid', app_harpreet.Grid);
var item_list1 = [ {xtype : 'textfield',fieldLabel : 'First name'},
{xtype : 'textfield',fieldLabel : 'Last name'},
{xtype : 'textfield', fieldLabel : 'Email'},
{xtype : 'textfield', fieldLabel : 'Student ID'} ];

var btns1 = [];
btns1.push( { text : 'Edit' });

Ext.onReady(function() {
var viewport = new Ext.Viewport( {
layout : 'border',
items : [ { //left tree panel
xtype : 'treepanel',
region : 'west',
collapsible : true,
title : 'Navigation',
id : 'tpNavigation',
root : new Ext.tree.AsyncTreeNode( {
expanded : true,
text : 'Home',
children : [ {text : 'User',leaf : true},
{text : 'Manage users',leaf : true},
{text : 'Clients',leaf : true}]
rootVisible : false,
width : 200
// the west region uses a TreePanel with Accordion layout
}, { //bottom panel
region : 'south',
title : 'Search',
collapsible : true,
height : 200,
minHeight : 200,
items : [ {
xtype : 'form',
items : item_list1,
buttons : btns1
} ]
}, { // main panel to dispay records
region : 'center',
layout : 'fit',
title : 'Center',
xtype : 'membergrid'
} ]

Now you can point your browser to your html page to render the treepanel, formpanel and gridpanel. The page would make a call to extjs.php, to retrieve the data, as a Json object.
You can double click on the rows to open a pop up window, which can be used to update the data in the row.(row update is not accomplished in the above code)

Please let me know of any improvements/corrections.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Spidvid: Let's create better videos!

The start-up scene is always sprawling with action. Individuals keep coming up with brilliant ideas to tackle a problem at hand. If you ever heard of Youtube, you can relate to the fact, that the online video sharing platform is filled with low quality videos. Enter the new service round the corner - Spidvid. It is a platform which brings together video creators and professionals, who would ultimately produce quality entertaining videos. It doesn't end here; they go further, distribute the videos and generate compensation for their contribution to the effort.

It is an inventive concept accented by a beautiful user interface. It is easy to use and very responsive. You can choose any role you want on the video creation life cycle. You may be a video creator, a professional who can act, write, edit or even an amateur who has video ideas which, you would like to be created by others. This way you get in touch with people with similar interests and learn from their experiences.

Spidvid will raise the bar for online videos. It brings together people from different corners of the planet, with a common goal of producing quality videos. Right now, Spidvid is offered as a beta service. As more and more users join the bandwagon, the talent pool will get richer, as you have more contributors.

Getting content onto the website is a task which the marketing team needs to pay attention to. I would like to have a section to see some clips of the videos created on Spidvid.

Overall, it is a good beginning to a new frontier in video collaboration. Spidvid has given users the tools which they need to connect and develop videos outside a single fortified studio. By making it open to public, the content will cross the geographical boundaries and be enjoyed by a wide range of viewers.

So, let's get started and create some videos!