Wednesday, April 4, 2012


NoClassDefFoundError: ""

Add guava-11.0.2.jar to WEB-INF/lib and add it to the build path.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

GWT wrapper for visualization treemap with mouse events

A treemap is a helpful visualization of a data tree. It would be nice if the treemap had features like weighted box sizes for intermediate levels and explicitly setting up colors for non-leaf nodes. I wrote a  quick Google Web Toolkit(GWT) wrapper for Google visualization treemap-

 public class TreeMap extends Visualization<TreeMap.Options>
   public static class Options extends AbstractDrawOptions {
       public static Options create() {
           return JavaScriptObject.createObject().cast();

       protected Options() { }

   public static final String PACKAGE = "treemap";

   public TreeMap() {

   public TreeMap(AbstractDataTable data, Options options) {
       super(data, options);

   protected native JavaScriptObject createJso(Element parent) /*-{
       return new $;                
   public final void addOnMouseOverHandler(OnMouseOverHandler handler) {
       Handler.addHandler(this, "onmouseover", handler);
   public final void addOnMouseOutHandler(OnMouseOutHandler handler) {
       Handler.addHandler(this, "onmouseout", handler);

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Postgres script - for loop two dimension array using array upper and lower

A basic script to loop over an array in psql-

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION func1(n character varying, v character varying)

  RETURNS integer AS



       return_code integer;


       RAISE NOTICE '(%,%)', n, v;          

       return_code := 1;

    RETURN return_code; 


        WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN           
           RETURN -1;


  LANGUAGE plpgsql;


  RETURNS integer AS



       return_code integer;

       pairs varchar[][] := array[['key2','val2'],



        FOR i IN array_lower(pairs, 1) .. array_upper(pairs, 1)


         --RAISE NOTICE '%,%',pairs[i][1]::varchar, pairs[i][2]::varchar;

           PERFORM func1(pairs[i][1]::varchar, pairs[i][2]::varchar);

        END LOOP;

    return 1;



  LANGUAGE plpgsql;

SELECT * from func2();

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Problem - GWT logging not working

When you inherit certain modules in .gwt.xml file, it disables GWT logging. This happened to me when I tried inheriting Requestfactory. Some modules inherit  internally and thus affect your logging.

To fix this you should explicitly enable logging after you have inherited all your modules. At the end of your list of inherits add the following to your .gwt.xml file-

<set-property name="gwt.logging.enabled" value="TRUE"/>

Executing Postgres crosstab query as a prepared statement

I was executing a crosstab query as a prepared statement in Java(in a GWT app) and getting the following error -

PSQLException - Can't use query methods that take a query string on a PreparedStatement.

With some helpful folks from stackflow, I was able to resolve the error with the following code -

String query = "SELECT * FROM crosstab(
                      'SELECT rowid, a_name, value
                       FROM test WHERE a_name = ''att2''
                                    OR a_name = ''att3''
                      ORDER BY 1,2'
) AS ct(row_name text, cat_1 text, cat_2 text, cat_3 text);";

PreparedStatement stat = conn.prepareStatement(query);
ResultSet rs = stat.getResultSet();

//Note that, it is executeQuery() and not executeQuery(query)
rs = stat.getResultSet();
while ( {


PostgreSQL crosstab query - Rotate a table about a pivot

An interesting feature of relational databases(postgres in this case) is the ability to rotate the table about a pivot. So if you have data like this-
 id | rowid | key | value
  1 | test1 | key1      | val1
  2 | test1 | key2      | val2
  3 | test1 | key3      | val3
  4 | test1 | key4      | val4
  5 | test2 | key1      | val5
  6 | test2 | key2      | val6
  7 | test2 | key3      | val7
  8 | test2 | key4      | val8

And want to have a result set like this -

rowid | key1 | key2 | key3 | key4
 test1  | val1  | val2  | val3  | val4
 test2  | val5  | val6  | val7  | val8

It can be achieved by a "crosstab" query in a postgres database -

Update: 02/14/2013
The following can be achieved by a crosstab and also by an interesting SQL which I came across here -

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Virtualbox-Windows 8 developer preview installation error

Downloaded the Windows 8 developers preview yesterday but only to find I could not get it installed on a Oracle Virtualbox. I tried both 32-bit and 64 bit version on a Win 7 64 bit machine(HP EliteBook 8440p). The 32-bit got stuck at the following screen. I need to look for help on this error 0x81B8C63B

EDIT: From "Smiley"'s comments below, after I turned the Virtualization option ON from the BIOS menu at startup, I was able to install windows 8. Thanks.
Surprisingly, I have a Ubuntu virtual machine and it runs fine without turning on the Vitualization option.